Created by Oscar Andrés Granada / @oagranada
ES6 include many new features
Introduction of let.
function foo( els ) {
'use strict'
for(let i in els){
console.log("Hello!"); // write Hello!
console.log(i); // write undefined
Introduction of const.
function foo( ) {
'use strict'
const w = 1;
w = 2; // generate error
Introduction of data distribution in many vars.
function foo( ) {
return [1,2,3];
let a, b, c = foo(); // a=1, b=2, c=3
function f(){
'use strict'
return {a:1, b:2};
function g(){
'use strict'
let {a, b} = f(); // a=1, b=2
Asignation in function params declaration.
function foo( name='username') {
return "Hello " + name;
foo(); // "Hello username"
foo("Pepa pig"); // "Hello Pepa Pig"
Introduction of ... operator.
function foo( a, b, ...others ) {
'use strict'
for(let i in others){
console.log(others[i]); // write an element of array
console.log(a+" - "+b);
foo(1, 2, 3, 4);
var arr = [3,4,5,6];
foo(...arr); // pass a=3, b=4, arr = [5, 6]
Introduction of ``` operator.
function foo( a, b ) {
'use strict'
let q = ```SELECT id, username
FROM sampleData whete id='${a} '
AND username='${b}'```;
return q;
Introduction of () => { } syntax.
var foo = ( a, b) => {
console.log(a+" - "+b); // write undefined
Introduction of class structure.
class Human {
constructor(name){ = name;
class User extends Human{
static release(){
// TODO: code logic here...
get UserName(){
var i = new User("Pepa");
Introduction of of keyword.
var w = (els)=>{
for(el of els){
console.log(el); // write value
w([1,2,3,4]); // print 1, 2, 3, 4
Introduction of 0o and 0b literals.
var w = ()=>{
var octal = 0o12; // 10;
var binary = 0o101; // 5;
Introduction of export export.
export let sampleMethod = function sampleMethod(){
// TODO: code logic here...
import * as mortgage from './mortgage';
Use of this to access to parent context.
"foo": ()=>{
"var": ()=>{;
import * as mortgage from './mortgage';